Please email the information requested below with your photograph(s), to:

Or print out this page and send to: 26 Park Road, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 0NX with your photograph(s)

50% payment is required on placement of an order. Full payment is requested on completion of your order. Paintings will be sent out once full payment has been received. You can pay by bank transfer or cheque.

A receipt will be delivered with your final painting.

All hard copy photographs will be returned.



Your name:

Daytime telephone:
Evening telephone:
Email address:

Size of painting required:
13 x 18 cm
24 x 30 cm
30 x 40 cm

Painting details: e.g. what to leave in or out, foliage, blooms, architectural features, pets, etc.

Preferred delivery date:

Total amount to pay (including postage):

Total number of photographs sent:

Delivery address (if different to above):

Best means of contact:


Preferred method of payment bank transfer or cheque (payable to Catherine Duncumb)

